Why Natural Hair Dye

Are you suffering from hair damage or premature greying of hair, making you feel older than you are? Damage to hair, which includes hair turning grey, is caused by the gradual decrease in the melanin produced, faulty diet, lack of vitamins and essential phyto-nutrients. Factors like pollution and the climatic conditions contribute to hair problems worsening the condition. The use of hair colours and other chemical hair products exposes the scalp and hair roots to toxins, causing permanent damage and in turn, hair fall.

Noni juice, an extract of the wonder shrub Morinda Citrifolia is a storehouse of essential nutrients that not only stimulates the scalp but also restores health and rejuvenates the affected hair follicles.

After much research in the field, experts in hair nutrition and health have come up with a herbal essence formula filled with the goodness of NONI extract "BSY NONI BLACK HAIR MAGIC" which not only permanently colours grey hair black, but also has highly effective anti-dandruff and hair nourishing properties.

WEAVES INDIA, a leading name amongst the stockists and dealers of natural herbal hair products, has the solution to your problem of dull, lifeless and grey hair. We are pleased to partner with BSY Bio-Tech Chain Co. Ltd, the top manufacturer of BSY Noni based products across the globe. BSY Noni Black Hair Magic is manufactured using U.S. technology and is popular across 28 countries. Trust us and experience the difference!
Weaves India Noni, the fruit of the "Morinda Citrifolia" tree, is actually a species of the coffee family. Native to Southeast Asia and Australia, the Noni fruit has been particularly well revered in Hawaii, where it is a part of many traditional medicinal remedies.

It is believed that approximately 2000 years ago, the ancient people of French Polynesia brought the NONI plant with them as a source of food and medicine when they colonized the islands of the South Pacific.

NONI, commonly known as Indian Mulberry (in India) was considered a sacred plant in Ayurveda and is mentioned in ancient texts as Ashyuka, which is Sanskrit for "longevity." NONI was noted to be a balancing agent, stabilizing the body in perfect health.

During World War II, U.S. soldiers based in the Polynesian Islands were instructed in their field manual that Noni was recognized as a safe food staple to sustain their strength. Today, millions the world over are discovering the health balancing properties of this once- hidden island secret.

The Noni plant is a source of Antioxidants, Vitamin C, and Potassium. Every part of the shrub - from leaves to roots, has been used to treat a variety of ailments. Many of the medicinal benefits though, are largely attributed to the fact that the Noni plant is a source of phyto-nutrients which have anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial compounds, known to boost the immune system as well as repair cellular damage.

In ancient India, ayurvedic texts mention Noni, or ashyuka in Sanskrit, as a remedy to stimulate internal cleansing by treating parasitic infections of the stomach and for asthma, as well as an external remedy to treat joint pains, for skin ailments and as an anti-ageing solution.

Traditional healers in the Pacific Islands have been using Noni for centuries, as a general wellness tonic - to cure almost any ailment. Today, Noni is also considered to be a treatment for Cancer and HIV, though the U.S. based Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says it requires further scientific evidence before approving the medicinal value of these claims.
Weaves India A liquid turmeric extract is a daily dose to good health. A single drop of ‘Haridrarasa’ is equal to three tea spoons of pure turmeric powder. As it is a wild variety of turmeric procured from the bottom of the Himalayas, it has greater concentration of curcumin (turmeric density). Its bio absorption is also higher in the body. Haridrarasa is made to provide a 20 to 30 times more concentric curcumin content in every drop ensuring that your regular use of a few drops compensates adequately for treating multiple ailments.

Internal and external use of Haridrarasa (as per Ayurveda)
Haridrarasa eliminates toxic elements, cleanses blood, develops immunity and hence revitalises the body. It eliminates toxicity, purifies blood, develops immunity, reduces cholesterol, controls high blood pressure, reduces anaemia, cures many allergies, asthma, cold, cough, indigestion, insomnia; regular dosage controls diabetes, epilepsy, kidney and liver disorders, menstrual issues, piles as well as psoriasis.

Haridrarasa can be consumed on a regular basis. It can be used in cooking also. It can be used in the treatment of cancer, reduces arthritis, cures heart burn and stomach upset, reduces depression and helps to expedite the healing of wounds. Haridrarasa can also be used for external application for pimples, pimple scars, hyper pigmentation. It has an exfoliating action that improves the skin complexion and enhances natural glow. Haridrarasa can also be used externally for various skin disorders like fungal infections, ring worm, itching sensations, tick infestation, skin allergies, psoriasis, eczema, wounds, ulcers etc.

Usage: Advisable to consume with hot milk. Jaggery or liquid jaggery may be added for taste. Individuals who have a naturally hot body or who suffer from stomach issues may use with non refrigeration or fresh butter milk.
Weaves India Hemp oil (hemp seed oil or hempseed oil) is oil obtained by pressing hemp seeds. Cold pressed, unrefined hemp oil is dark to clear light green in colour, with a nutty flavour. The darker the colour, the grassier the flavour. It should not be confused with hash oil, tetrahydrocannabinol-containing oil made from the Cannabis flower.

Refined hemp seed oil is clear and colourless, with little flavour. It is primarily used in body care products. Industrial hemp seed oil is used in lubricants, paints, inks, fuel, and plastics. Hemp seed oil is used in the production of soaps, shampoos and detergents. The oil has a 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids.

Hemp Seed oil contains many fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, 21 amino acids including 9 essential amino acids and other nutrients that are beneficial and essential to the wellness of the body, especially for skin, hair and scalp. It’s true…

The oil is extracted mainly from the seeds of the Industrial hemp plant. Most people, however, easily confuse the hemp plant with marijuana; the latter with a controversial reputation. While INDUSTRIAL HEMP is scientifically classified as cannabis, it does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which has intoxicating properties.

Hemp seeds are rich in fatty acids Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. Fatty acids are important for all systems to make sure that our body functions normally, including our hair, skin, circulatory system, brain and organs ensuring the well – being of your entire body. These fatty acids also have very strong preventive and curative qualities. The Omega 3 and 6 acids, termed essential fatty acids (EFA) are not produced on their own in your body. However, Omega 9 is a non- essential fatty acid produced naturally by the body whenever there is enough of Omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids.


WEAVES INDIA envisages a world of universal well-being, with a sincere desire to restore wholesome and holistic wellness which is easily accessible to all.


In a mission to realise the vision of easy availability of holistic wellness materials, WEAVES INDIA will engage in the streamlined distribution of such genuine, top-quality and effective items/materials to as many people as possible at highly affordable prices.
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